Canaccord Genuity Reports: Apple iPad Dominates Tablet Market

Ganaccord Genuity estimates Apple iPad to dominate market

The niche product innovator Apple has once again proven is gigantic market dominance with quarterly sales covering 75% of the tablet market, as Ganaccord Genuity reports. There is no clear competitor to the Apple iPad in the foreseeable future even with producers dropping prices to give their tablets an edge. Apple’s 11 million iPad units sold in the September quarter is expected to be surpassed by 14 million units in the December quarter. Amazon Kindle Fire will also be launched in December so unit sale predictions could change for Apple, but most likely not significantly.

Apple competitors like Amazon, Asus and other Android-tablet builders such as Samsung and HTC do provide some challenge to Apple’s growth, however, those tablet makers generally compete with one each as opposed to Apple.

Ganaccord Genuity estimates Apple iPad to dominate market

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