Protecting the Future of Education with Tablet Cases for Schools

Tablets increase student productivity and are rapidly becoming part of the future of education.

And schools nowadays need to keep up with that technology. But how can they do so at an affordable cost to maintain the best interests of students?

Protect the future of education with these best tablet cases for schools that will endure through many years of use.

Tablets and the Cost Schools Face to Keep up With Technology

Keeping up with technology can be expensive and proactive action can yield substantial cost savings in the long run. Recent policies have resulted in schools buying massive quantities of tablets. The cost of students who break tablets every class year adds up to a staggering figure. This steep cost can be reduced by buying protective tablet cases in bulk.  

The use of tablets in schools represents a sweeping change as these devices are quickly overtaking laptops and desktops in school systems. The shift to tablets comes with new benefits as well as new concerns.

How Schools Can Make the Most Out of Tablets

One of the major benefits that led schools to purchase tablets is that they are easier for kids to use than laptops and desktops. They are also, however, easy for kids to break. This has created the need for protective tablet cases to keep these expensive learning tools from incurring additional costs.  

Tablets are a valuable and expensive resource to schools. The book-like shape and special learning software applications exclusive to tablets have made them appealing to educators. Keeping them in protective cases helps keep them running for many years and saves tremendous amounts of money.


3 Best Tablet Cases for Schools

Tablet2Cases carries a suite of impressive tablet cases that are tailored for use in schools. Here are some of the best tablet cases you should check out:

  • Cooper Dynamo
  • Models such as the Cooper Dynamo, which touts a sturdy shockproof case, are perfect for students. Products like these make a difference for schools and keep them competitive.

    With the Cooper Dynamo, you can also get the essential add-on, Cooper Bounce Strap case, which features a shoulder strap for mobility and a stand that makes this case perfect to use on classroom desks. The long term savings will add up and yield a generous ROI.

  • The Box
  • The Box, designed by Bam Bino cases, is also shockproof and is suitable for both kids and adults.

  • Pure Sense Buddy
  • Another highly recommended Tablet2Cases product perfect for schools is the Pure Sense Buddy, foam antimicrobial case. Think smart and get fewer kids out on sick days with this antimicrobial case. Schools are a hotbed for germs and handling tablets is one of the easiest ways to transmit germs and bacteria.       

    Wholesale Rugged Tablet Cases

    Wholesale & Bulk rugged protective cases for tablets

    Make the Best Choice for Your School with Tablet2Cases

    Tablet2Cases offers a great line for kids. They can deliver quality in style and function, providing tablet cases that will save you money for years to come. With school budgets strapped tight, saving money in the long term is more important than ever.

    Orders can be made in bulk and the cases are customizable. You can add your logo among other customizable features and add-ons to make the cases that are truly perfect for your school. Your students will love them, and your budget will love the long term savings. You can’t go wrong.   

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