RNDM Design Puts Tablet PCs on the Walls With the LEDGE Mount

  • RNDM Design LEDGE
  • RNDM Design LEDGE review
  • RNDM Design LEDGE screenshot
  • LEDGE from RNDM Design

Need a wall mount tablet case, but afraid to make holes in your beautiful walls? RNDM Design has come up with an answer: LEDGE – a unique minimal mount compatible with any Apple tablet and a wide range of similar sized devices. The case attaches to any flat surface including wood, drywall, steel, glass, ceramic, and more.

There are two mounting solutions for the iPad 4 case: semi-permanent, and permanent. The first one doesn’t require any radical decisions and utilizes the durable 3M Command adhesive strips to secure the iPad 3 case on the surface. The permanent solution uses anchors and screws and does need the owner to drill a couple of holes.

The RNDM Design LEDGE provides tablet owners with never-before-felt freedom to do whatever they desire accompanied by music, movies, DIY guides, exercise videos, or simply favorite pictures throughout the house and anywhere else. The project is now looking for funding at Kickstarter, and Tablet2Cases has already pledged money to help speed things along.

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